Discord Server issues

Anyone with issues joining the discord server, reply here with these details:

Discord username: 
Discord ID:
What is the issue you're experiencing?:

Discord username: hrkrstwn
Discord ID: 758771609749684287
What is the issue you’re experiencing?:
Im member since December 2022 on taiko discord . Im participated in taiko testnet . I don’t know today my discord get out from taiko discord server . Why ?? Please help i dnot know why my discord get removed from taiko discord server .


@brachsterX @korchinskiiy . Help fix my problem

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Relog in then rejoin the server.

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Where link join discord?

Discord username: papaya.salad
Discord ID: 900370601976422420
I cannot verify my account after joining the server. It says “interaction error”. What could be the reason?

Try relogging in your account / reinstall your discord client.

Your account is not banned on the server so there should be no problems getting in.

Discord username: mkitter
Discord ID: 387575866965884928
What is the issue you’re experiencing?: I can not join Discord. Error “Invites are currently paused on this server”
Screenshot 2024-05-08 171044

You are not banned from the server. Try reinstalling your discord then join again.

Discord Username: gringoxloco
Issue: Cannot verify in discord, continually says Interaction Failed

I can’t join discord

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Discord username: daveduke9
I can’t join discord server. It says “unable to accept invite” whenever I try.
I was once on the discord server but I think I got banned.

Discord username: paplee
Discord ID: 311836870600425472
What is the issue you’re experiencing?: I can’t join the Taiko discord. Thank you in advance

@korchinskiiy I have the same issue. I did not do any harm for sure but still the server disappeared from my servers list and cant rejoin… my username : perun8 , display name : Perún
Please have a look. Thanks

Discord username - vicryptovic
Discord ID - 844939373882507264

Can’t join Taiko Discord…

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you are not banned, try again joining the server

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Discord username: oneofthenfts
Discord ID: 1199672031864696932
What is the issue you’re experiencing?: Whoops

can i access discord? I just found out how to look up ID

still not working( can you check again please

Relog in to your account then rejoin.