Unable to join discord server

I’ve been a member of your Taiko Discord server for months now, but I recently found myself removed from the server for reasons unknown. I’ve diligently completed all tasks required. Could you please reinstate my access or provide an unexpired link to rejoin?

Username is chet6406

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated


try this here Discord server problems


Dear sirs! I try several times to join your community but without any succes! Could you help me to join?

My name in discord verabond

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unbanned, try again please

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you’re not banned, so just try joining the server again


Hi I’ve been trying to rejoin this server in discord forever finally found this hope to rejoin plz help. My name is ndubpcplug


Relog in on your account then join again.

Please post on here next time.

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I have tried joining Taiko discord server several times. It keeps saying “Unable to accept invite “.

I was once on the discord server. All of a sudden, I could not find the server on my discord anymore. I have tried to join but it won’t allow me. Please help.
My username is “daveduke9”

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