Taiko Tuesday #32 — 2023-12-19

Taiko Tuesday is a community-driven bi-weekly newsletter covering the ins and outs of Taiko, a decentralized Ethereum-equivalent validity rollup.

Let’s get into it!

:test_tube: Testnet status

  • Total transactions: 5,549,610.
  • Total blocks: 1,719,226.
  • Average block time: 3.8 seconds.
  • Total wallet addresses: 796,866.
  • Total unique provers: 4,630.
  • Total unique proposers: 9,287.

More stats: https://explorer.jolnir.taiko.xyz.

:computer: Development updates

You can follow the changelogs to see what’s been happening in the Taiko development department. There are two changelogs: The Taiko client and the Taiko-mono repository.

:heart_hands: Community updates

  • Taiko Grants Cycle 2 has launched! $30M is up for grabs for community builders, established partners, and anyone who wants to work on tasks specified by Taiko Labs. More here.
  • Galxe campaign: Christmas edition.
  • Newest changelogs released.
  • Taiko is hiring! Check out the open positions here.
  • We did a Twitter space with Vitalik, protolambda, and Brecht on multi-proofs. Check it out here!
  • Another Galxe campaign: Create a Wallet, Mint a Domain, Take a Quiz.

:books: Education updates

:tongue: Best memery


By Story_hvs on Discord.

Thanks for reading the thirty-second installment of Taiko Tuesday!

Got any feedback or would like to collaborate? Send me a DM on Twitter or shoot a message here on the forum.